

What is it?


Various types of statements can be made public (public statement), at a public notary office.
In these statements, the parties declare facts they want to know or already know, under their civil and criminal liability.


The most frequent statements are:


- Declaration of common law marriage.

- Declaration of economic dependency: the declarant declares that someone is his/her economic dependent, for the most varied purposes.

- Declaration for the purpose of marriage: two declarants known to the groom or the bride publicly declare that they know each other and that their marital status is that of single, divorced or widowed, and there is nothing to prevent their marriage.

- Declaration for legal purposes: the declarant narrates in detail a fact of which he/she is aware, to be used for judicial purposes.




How is it done?


The interested party comes to the notary public office with the original ID and CPF and declare what he/she wishes to the clerk who will transcribe what was declared in the notary book, making the declaration public.




What documents are required?


- Original ID and CPF of the declarant.




How much does it cost?


The price is fixed by law in all registries in this State. To check the values, consult the notary public of your choice.

